I was born in Yallourn Victoria and my family moved around many parts of Victoria when I was child. I have always known of my Aboriginality but was told to never talk about it by my family.
I have discovered my Great Grandmother was born in Hermannsburg in Northern Territory. My Grandmother was stolen generation, and was sent to Adelaide and was trained to be a maid. My Mother was born in Melbourne Victoria.
Although I have known about my First Nation’s heritage, it has taken many years of research, talking to others, learning history and reading for me to discover my past. At 69, I received my Confirmation of Aboriginality from BADAC, which now means I can support my family to understand their connection to their heritage.
When I paint my artwork, it calms me, and I disappear into the vortex of dots and symbols. It has always been there as an Aboriginal woman.