Ricky J

I was born in Shepparton and raised in Mooroopna Victoria.I was raised by my Grandparents, Mother and Uncle. I’m a proud Yorta Yorta man.  My Grandfather came from the mission of Cumagunja in Northern Victoria. My Great Grandmother & Great Uncles are well respected in the Aboriginal Community which make me very proud as an Aboriginal from the Yorta Yorta Clan. My respect and love for them motivates me with my artwork, and also helps me to connect to my country and land, and showed me how to respect my Elders, especially in the dreamtime.

When I listen to my Uncle Archie Roach and Gurrumul, it gives me an emotional connection to my artwork.  I hope my artwork then helps others to connect to their journey, to feel their love, anger, sadness and joy and discover their own journey.