I am a proud Wotjobaluk woman, born in Melbourne in the late 60’s. I was removed from my Mother and adopted into a Non-Aboriginal family. I was raised by true destiny on Country in the Wimmera.
I was reunited with my cultural family and connections in my late teens.
So began a very long walk back along the ways of knowing, being and doing – proper way!
My creativity is stoked deeply by my cross cultural heritage, learnings and loves, failures and fears, passions and dreamings. The guidance from the potent ancestoral mandate to move forward and bring strength and honor to those who have forged ahead, have illuminated my path.
My artwork has it’s own determination and authenticity. Without the normal of cultural knowledge passed down as birth right, my work has been born from a yearning to connect, explore and understand the void between lives within and the external environment without. Empowering personal integrity and growing cultural confidence has been my never ending story.
I have been exhibited in the Koorie Heritage Trust, The Convent Gallery, Kirrit Barreet, Gallery on Sturt, Tussock Gallery and others. My work has been commissioned by various organisations and private and public collections.